The Club Encanto address is 2647 W. Glendale Ave Phoenix, AZ 85051. It is on the corner of Glendale ave and 27 ave between Greyhound bus stop and a Dollar store.

Night overview.

The doors are open at 9.30. The cover charge is $10. For women there is no charge before 11 pm. The music is mix of bachata merengue, cumbia and salsa. Parking is free and there is plenty of parking space available.

About the venue.

I received a text message from a friend of mine that had a flyer attached to it. The flyer read “Salsa Night at Club Encanto”. I decided to check it out. I stopped by at about 10.30 an hour after the place has been open. The place did not have a lot of people when I walked in. The majority of the crowed showed up between 10.30 and 11pm. The dance floor is of an average size and it is in a decent shape. It was able to fit all people that wanted to dance at the same time, as the place was not very crowded. There is a stage next to a dance floor and there was a live band playing, that started their performance after 11pm. They play all types of Latin music with very few salsa songs now and then between bachata, merengue, and cumbia. The music was ok but the volume was a little too loud for my taste.
It looks like that during the day this place is some type of a restaurant and they have booths and tables around the dance floor. There is also a full service bar that is open during the night. I noticed few experienced dances on the dance floor, but majority of the crowd I would describe as intermediate dancers.

Latin dancing at Club Encanto: view from the back of the club.

View of the dance floor before 11pm.

180 view of the club after 11 pm.

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