The Duce is located at 525 S Central Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85004

Salsa and Kizomba lesson and dancing overview.
The Duce is a warehouse that can hold a very large number of people at once. There is Salsa (with occasional Bachata instead of Salsa) and Kizomba lessons and social dancing every Thursday. Salsa/Kizomba lesson starts at 7pm and social dancing starts at 8pm. There are two dance floors. One is for salsa, bachata and merengue and the other is for Kizomba. The cost to get in is $8. For anyone under 21 the cost is $5. The minimum age to get in is 18 before 9pm. After 9pm it becomes 21+only venue.

Salsa lesson:
There are two Salsa lessons being taught at once: beginner and intermediate. You can choose the level that you are most comfortable with. The beginner lesson is taught by David Olarte an ASU Salsa instructor and director of Stilo Dance Company. It is usually a lot larger in size than the intermediate lesson. Those two simultaneous lessons are held at the main dance floor.
Salsa lesson usually starts with a short warm up. After warm up it is split in 2 groups.

Short warm up before Salsa lesson starts.

Intermediate Salsa lesson on the right. Beginner Bachata lesson on the left.

All level Bachata lesson instead of usual salsa lesson before the social.

Kizomba lesson:
Kizomba lesson is taught by rotating instructors followed by the social dancing on the smaller dance floor in the opposite side of the warehouse next to the bar.

Kizomba lesson on the second dance floor.

Social dancing:
On the main dance floor they play Salsa Bachata and Merengue. This social salsa even attracts dancers of all levels. Some are taking their first lesson or came for their first social and there are dancers who done salsa dancing for a while. Beginner dancers who stay to dance after the lesson usually leave early and more experienced dancers show up after 9.30 and close the place.
Kizomba dancers have their separate dance floor that is next to the bar.

Salsa dancing after the lesson.

Bachata dancing after the lesson.

Bachata dancing after the lesson.

The Duce parking.
1. There is valet parking at the entrance to The Duce. Valet parking lot closes at 11.30pm. All cars after 11.30 are brought to the front and keys left with bartender.
duce valet parking
2.  There is free parking lot on the North East corner of Central and E. Grant St. That is where most dancers park. It is right across from Wells Fargo Bank.
the duce parking
3. There are a few metered spots on the street on the corner of S.1st Street and Lincoln.
duce meted marking
4. There is free parking on S.1st Street and Lincoln going south. And along E. Grant street and 1st street going in both directions.